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Vol. 1, Issue 1 | October 2023

Dedicated to addressing critical research areas in emerging infectious diseases and development of regional scientific expertise and research capacity.

CREID Network Updates

Welcome to the first edition of the new CREID Network Newsletter for external collaborators.

The Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases (CREID) Network is funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the US National Institutes of Health and is comprised of 10 Research Centers and 1 Coordinating Center.


Where is CREID?

Click on the map below to learn more about where CREID is working.

CREID Network
by the Numbers

  • 31 countries
  • 115+ research sites
  • 370+ Network members
  • 70+ research studies
  • 25+ field sites
  • 77+ laboratories
  • 232 shared lab assays
  • 24 outbreaks tracked

2023 Network Annual Meeting


This year's Annual Meeting was a great success!
Annual Meeting by the Numbers
  • 411 registered attendees (219 in person!)
  • 9 External Advisory Committee members participated
  • 49% international participants
  • 39 countries represented
Goals of the Meeting
  • To highlight the research being conducted by the CREID Network;
  • To develop collaboration amongst the CREID Network leadership and teams;
  • To inform the CREID External Advisory Committee of activities and progress; and
  • To inform collaborators of CREID accomplishments.
Meeting Highlights
  • Panel discussion on climate change and emerging infectious diseases moderated by Luis Fernando Chaves, PhD, NIAID Climate Change Fellow
  • Keynote talk by Maria Van Kerkhove, PhD, Emerging Diseases and Zoonoses Unit Head, COVID-19 Health Operations and Technical Lead, Health Emergencies Programme, WHO
  • Oral presentations on outbreak research being conducted on Sudan ebolavirus, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, and yellow fever, among others. 

Publications by the Numbers

Since Network launch in 2020, 69 Network articles have been cited in more than 60 policy and position documents in 22 different countries, informing the WHO, US CDC, Africa CDC, European CDC, US Homeland Security, the UK Government, and more. (source: Overton). Additionally, 8% of Network publications have been cited 100 times and 39% of Network publications have been cited 10 or more times.
  • 96 publications in 2023
  • 150 articles on coronaviruses
  • 42 articles on dengue
  • 17 articles on chikungunya
  • 10 articles on Ebola

CREID Publications

Making great strides in research!

CREID Network researchers have published 398 publications with NIAID CREID funding since the Network launched in 2020.


CREID Network at ASTMH


Come hear CREID research presented at the conference, October 18-22, 2023. Link to the CREID Conference Dashboard at "Read More" to learn more about CREID research being presented at ASTMH. 

ASTMH by the Numbers
  • 4 Research Centers participating
  • 6 oral presentations
  • 5 poster presentations
  • 1 Young Investigator Award

Training and Capacity Building

The Research Centers and Coordinating Center each have capacity building as a core activity as part of their awards.

Pilot Research Program

The CREID Network Pilot Research Program supports, trains, and mentors the next generation of emerging infectious disease researchers. This program helps develop capacity for emerging infectious disease research around the world through the performance of scientific research projects.
Round 3 of the Pilot Program was awarded in May 2023 and includes awards to early career investigators focused on arboviruses in Peru, Ebola in Sierra Leone, arenaviruses and hantaviruses in Argentina, and dengue and chikungunya in Cameroon. 

Round 4 of the Pilot Program will launch October 10 with the release of the next Call for Applications. 

The CREID Coordinating Center administers the Pilot Research Program and is supported by Award Number U01AI151378.


The CREID Network collaborates with a wide variety of external stakeholders including from the US Government, foreign governments, multilateral institutions such as the World Health Organization, foundations and nonprofits, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the private sector. If you are interested in exploring a collaboration with the CREID Network, please contact

L to R: Greg Sempowski, PhD, mPI CREID Coordinating Center/RTI International; Gavin Cloherty, PhD, Head of Infectious Disease Research and the Pandemic Defense Coalition, Abbott; Mandy Cohen, MD, MPH, Director, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and Meghan Hagberg, Senior Vice President, Business Council for International Understanding 

Lessons from Disease Surveillance: A Conversation Amongst Global Surveillance Networks

On the margins of the Seventy-Eighth Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City (September 19, 2023), Abbott and the Business Council for International Understanding (BCIU) hosted an event in support of the United Nation’s High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Preparedness and Response entitled “Lessons from Disease Surveillance: A Conversation amongst Global Surveillance Networks.”  Drs. Cohen (US CDC, CREID Network Stakeholder), Cloherty (Abbott Pandemic Defense Coalition, CREID Network Stakeholder) and Sempowski (RTI, CREID Network Coordinating Center), explored lessons learned, opportunities, and solutions for integrating pathogen detection networks with a diverse global audience comprised of private and public sectors, including representatives from the US CDC, Ministries of Health, UN agencies, international organizations, NGOs, and others. The panelists encouraged political and financial commitments in preparing for and responding to potential future public health threats and discussed the critical need for trust, open communication, data sharing, and capacity building through public-private partnerships. 

Latest News: WHO issues new guidelines for Ebola and Marburg

WHO, a CREID stakeholder, has published new guidelines on IPC for Ebola/Marburg is the first comprehensive evidence-based guidelines on these measures from WHO. Ebola and Marburg disease outbreaks remain important public health threats, affecting the most vulnerable populations.

The guidelines cover IPC ring approach; screening, triage, and isolation; managing health and care workers; personal protective equipment; hand hygiene, glove disinfection; cleaning and disinfection of environment; waste management; and handling deceased individuals with Ebola/Marburg.

Research Center Updates

Please see more information about each of the 10 Research Centers linked from the CREID Network website or from the links below. 

A2CARES team members from Ecuador and the US conducted virtual and in-country capacity building workshops in Nicaragua, focusing on bioinformatics and phylogenetic analysis.


A core mission of A2CARES is building and sustaining in-country dengue virus (DENV) sequencing and bioinformatics capacity. Recently, in Sri Lanka, in-country sequencing confirmed DENV3 and identified variant nucleotides, and RT-PCR primer sets designed by investigator Dr. Jesse Waggoner were found to work to detect a new variant. Additionally, work from a site in northwestern Ecuador, has revealed the entry of DENV1 and DENV2 from Colombia through the province of Esmeraldas - underscoring support of improving understanding of DENV transmission dynamics. A2CARES facilitated training in sequencing and phylogenetic analysis in Nicaragua by Ecuadorian and US teams enabled critical, real-time identification of imported genotypes of DENV1, 3, and 4 in 2022, revealing co-circulated DENV serotypes due to post-COVID re-opening of boarders. 

Award Number U01AI151788 


In June 2023, CREATE-NEO welcomed the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) as a partner, with Dr. Mauro Teixeira and CREID Pilot Research Program Alumna Dr. Betânia Drumond as co-PIs. Dr. Natalia Oliveira da Silva recently published work with Dr. Drumond and colleagues on ecological drivers of sustained yellow fever virus infection and intensity in Brazil, which will inform arboviral disease surveillance and control in the region. Dr. Drumond’s team is leading follow-up research with local wildlife authorities on hosts and vectors in urban parks where yellow fever was previously detected.

Award Number U01AI151807 

Dr. Betânia Drumond and team assess sites for sampling primates and mosquitoes in Parque Municipal Jacques Cousteau, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil (July 2023). 

NIAID/DMID and CREID-ECA teams visited the Kigetuini Dispensary in August 2023 in Central Kenya where CREID-ECA is conducting hospital-based and community studies investigating the changing landscape of Rift Valley fever associated with climate change.


On August 4, 2023, CREID-ECA researchers led by PI Kariuki Njenga and in-country project lead Prof. Moses Joloba of Makerere University kicked-off the round 3 of follow up with survivors of the 2022 Sudan ebolavirus disease (SUDV) epidemic at Mubende Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda, monitoring the immune response and long-term clinical sequalae of the 87 survivors. Mubende district was the epicenter of the epidemic that resulted in 142 confirmed cases and 55 deaths.

Award Number U01AI151799


CREID-ESP researchers authored a study demonstrating the genetic instability of MERS-CoV in dromedaries in East Africa, which indicates that the virus is still actively adapting to its camel host. The impact of the observed nucleotide insertions and deletions on virus evolution, viral fitness, and zoonotic potential deserves further study: Full genome sequencing of MERS-CoV from camels in Ethiopia suggests the virus is adapting to its camel host in Emerging Microbes and Infections

Award Number U01AI151810 

Smita Shrestha, with the CREID-ESP Nepal site, presented at the 2023 CREID Network Annual Meeting on the seroprevalence and genetic diversity of dengue virus during the 2022 outbreak in Nepal.

Senior Field Veterinarian Dr. Marc Valitutto demonstrates the use of appropriate biosafety equipment during a capacity building workshop at the CREID Network Annual Meeting.


EID-SEARCH partners Conservation Medicine and EcoHealth Alliance are participating in a conference on Land-Use Change and its Impacts on One Health in Sabah, Malaysia on October 3-4, 2023. Partners from multiple government agencies and research institutions in Malaysia are invited to share research at the interconnections of health and conservation and discuss further research strategies on emerging infectious disease prevention through the lens of One Health.

Award Number U01AI151797 


The EpiCenter convened high-level meetings with key stakeholders and government partners to operationalize One Health approaches to outbreak response and emerging infectious disease research in Peru and Uganda.

As U.S. Science Envoy with the U.S. Department of State, Dr. Christine Johnson (Principal Investigator of EpiCenter) also travelled to Laos, Singapore, Costa Rica, Peru, Uganda, and Kenya to advance science diplomacy and highlight the importance of international collaboration in confronting emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.

Award Number U01AI151814 

EpiCenter field team monitoring mosquito traps and bat mist nets in Uganda.


Prof. Nazif Elaldi, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Turkey


A new collaboration has been established between PICREID and Prof. Nazif Elaldi from Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Turkey, to study viral diversity, gene expression, and adaptive immune response to Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (CCHFV): Study of Longitudinal Characterization of Human Immune Responses to Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (LOCHUM). Classified as a highly dangerous virus (biosafety level 4), the CCHFV is a tick-borne virus that causes severe hemorrhagic fever with a mortality rate of 40%. This collaboration will give the PICREID team access to rare samples of CCHFV patients, widely prevalent in Turkey.

Award Number U01AI151758  


UWARN FIOCRUZ partners Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos Junior Alcantara, Dr. Marta Giovanetti, and their Ph.D. student, Joilson Xavier, collaborated closely with the National Network of Public Health Laboratories to conduct on-site training initiatives in genomic surveillance. These efforts resulted in the successful generation of 422 Chikungunya virus genomes from 12 different Brazilian states during the years 2021 and 2022. This significant accomplishment has allowed for a more comprehensive understanding of the dispersal dynamics of the Chikungunya virus East-Central-South-African lineage within Brazil. The outcomes of this research were published in Nature Communications in 2023.

Award Number U01AI151698 

Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos Junior Alcantara and Dr. Marta Giovanetti


The WAC-EID team launches high altitude mosquito aerial surveillance in Kedougou, Senegal.


WAC-EID and Institut Pasteur de Dakar collaborated with the NIH and the Malaria Research Training Center in Bamako to launch high altitude mosquito aerial surveillance in Kedougou, Senegal and in Keniba, Mali, starting from July 2023. This project will investigate potential arbovirus spread by windborne mosquitoes from enzootic regions into new outbreak areas and other unique data not available by ground vector surveillance. Preliminary results reveal exceptionally high density of aerial mosquitoes over Kedougou, 100-200 m above ground.

Award Number U01AI151801


WARN-ID researchers at the African Center of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases (ACEGID) at Redeemer’s University and Scripps Research Institute implemented wastewater surveillance tools and procedures for viral pathogen detection in Ede, Nigeria this year. Samples were collected from rivers and drainage surrounding the Redeemer’s University campus and training conducted on the laboratory and bioinformatic tools to analyze the viruses observed.  

Award Number U01AI151812 

Holly Lutz works with Precious Adeyemi, providing instruction on molecular methods for detection of viral pathogens in wastewater.
CREID Coordinating Center * *

Copyright © 2023, CREID Coordinating Center, All rights reserved.

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